0006 E - Back - Lifting Safely - 8 Keys
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4m 6s
Here are the 8 key points for lifting heavy loads and keeping your spine in the best position so it does not get hurt.
1. Keep your back straight: This reduces strain on your spine.
2. Do not twist your back while carrying something: turn your whole body around by moving your feet.
3. Know your route: Make sure the path is clear of debris. Tripping can cause injuries, like dropping a load on your toes or squishing your fingers
4. Know the weight: Always check how heavy something is before lifting. If it’s too much, ask for help. Know your limits.
5. Avoid jerky movements: Don’t rush. Jerky motions can lead to injury. Lift carefully and steadily.
6. Check the load balance: Make sure the weight is even. Know where the center of gravity is to lift safely.
7. Protect your hands: Those are your money makers! Be mindful of them so that you don’t damage them.
8. Use a lifting belt properly: Don’t have overconfidence in it, thinking you can now magically lift more weight. Use it as support, not a crutch.
Steve also mentions three other tips:
a. Communicate: Let others know what you're doing. Clear communication keeps everyone safe.
b. Stay aware: Always know what’s going on around you. Focus, even in busy moments.
c. Lift at the right height: Don’t load boxes on the floor. Use a surface that encourages good posture.
At the end Steve challenges people not to buy into the lame saying on his T-shirt that says, “We’ve Always Done It That Way”. Video #0012 E is a whole video dedicated to just this T-shirt. He wears the that shirt as a reminder to not believe those famous last words that many people declare right before they get hurt!
I often like to ask, "What else can you think of that Steve didn't mention in this video?" Try to get your team to find things that the video missed. People like to try to be smarter than the video. And oftentimes they can indeed offer more insight from their much experience! A safety video can't or doesn't catch everything. So it is helpful when your team identifies hazards that weren't mentioned in a video. Their participation adds value to the training. Some good tips people have offered were:
1.) When carrying a box, window AC unit for a home, or any cube or rectangular load; always be sure to grab opposite corners for best control and balance of the load. That means grab on the diagonal, the top and bottom opposite corner on the front and back of the box.
2.) Ensure proper footwear that is in good condition.
3.) Use a tool, dolly, buddy or other mechanical means to move a load to reduce the chance of personal injury.
4.) The young man with the fluorescent-green back belt did two things wrong when he lifted the load by the straps: (a.) He lifted by the straps, which could break or drag your hand down with the load if your fingers get caught. (b.) Also he extended his body and lowered the load far away from his center of gravity.
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