0062 E - True Story - Thumb Severed off by Hitch of Forklift - Ernie Moreira
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2m 49s
This video highlights the grave error of a casual approach to daily tasks. Ernie Moreira explains the details of two men that worked for him. They were friends and coworkers, and one of them ripped off the other one's thumb! Ernie wants us to learn from them.
Create curiosity before you show any video. Before starting this video you could ask something like, “Try to pinpoint the reason why this guy got his thumb ripped off.” Then after the video when you debrief it, ask them to state it and follow up with some quality open-ended questions that promote discussion such as, "What situations have you been in that were similar to this?" "What did you learn?" "What are two things these two coworkers could have done to prevent this life-altering injury?" Sometimes we lose respect for the great hazard we are dealing with because the work is too common, too casual. Let's drive this lesson home with this video.
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