All Videos
This Big Category contains every single video on the OSHAFLIX streaming service!
The numbering system in OSHAFLIX is: Number Letter - Title
For example: 0027 E - True Story - Safety Glasses Saved His Life - PPE
The "0027" is a unique number you can always use to search, find, and share this video.
The "E" means "English". All OSHAFLIX videos are in English and Spanish. Thus, you know that video 0027 S contains the same content as 0027 E, except it is in Spanish. This way your English-speaking and Spanish-speaking crews can both view the same content in a language they can easily understand. This Big Category also contains Specific Collections of videos grouped by topic.
0203 E - Confined Spaces - The Basics
Confined spaces come with risks you might not even think about. This video breaks down what the definition of confined space, the difference between Permit and Non-permit spaces, and the 7 requirements of the standard.Do you know what 3 parameters define a confined space? Steve p...
15 items
This Specific Collection houses videos filmed at Architectural Doors & Window (AD&W) in Westbrook, ME. Many thanks to the folks at AD&W. We appreciate you! What an education for the OSHAFLIX team and what a memorable time it was to film and make these videos alongside your stellar team of prof...
Attitude, Mindset & Values
9 items
This Specific Collection presents challenging videos on safety culture, getting buy-in from your team, how we often miscalculate the risk, remembering what we value as a powerful way to reduce injuries and persuade each individual not to take the shortcut, and more.
Bloodborne Pathogens
This Big Category includes Specific Collections of videos on preventing disease transition, hygiene, hepatitis, other diseases, and more.
By Filming Location
This Big Category groups videos according to the company where they were filmed.
Confined Spaces
This Big Category has videos on Confined Spaces in Construction.
This Big Category includes Specific Collections of videos related to power lines, extension cords, electric power tools, lockout/tagout, as well as electrical equipment such as breakers, GFCIs and more.
This Big Category contains Specific Collections of videos on back safety, hands, knees, repetitive motion, and proper posture while in the shop, on the job site, and at the office.
Fire Prevention
This Big Category includes Specific Collections of videos about fire safety & prevention, EAPs (Emergency Action Plans), portable extinguishers, FR (Fire Resistant) clothing, hot work, flammable materials & storage, and more.
This Big Category includes Specific Collections of videos on cleaning up after yourself, putting things back in their place, the importance of keeping your shop and job site uncluttered, and more.