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Watch this video and more on OSHAFLIX

0006 S - Espalda - Levantar Cargas - 8 Puntos Claves

Every Video • 4m 45s

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  • 0015 S - Camiseta - Sólo son 2 metros

    En este video, Steve pone el dedo en la llaga sobre la peligrosa mentalidad de subestimar los riesgos de trabajar a baja altura. Muestra su camiseta de “Solo son 6 pies”, advirtiendo que aunque una caída de seis pies no parezca tan grave como una de 40, eso no significa que sea segur...

  • 0011 E - T-Shirt - It’ll Only Take a ...

    In this eye-opening video, Steve addresses the dangerous mentality of “It will only take a second,” reminding us that this mindset could be the difference between safety and injury. He warns that cutting corners or rushing through tasks, thinking just a few extra seconds won’t matter...

  • 0116 E - True Story - Ladder Fall in ...

    This video painfully tells the story of a man who fell on a 40-foot ladder and lived to tell about it. But not after suffering many months of recovery and pain.

    Create curiosity before you show any video. Before starting this video you could t...