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Watch this video and more on OSHAFLIX

0011 E - T-Shirt - It’ll Only Take a Second

Every Video • 35s

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  • 0116 E - True Story - Ladder Fall in ...

    This video painfully tells the story of a man who fell on a 40-foot ladder and lived to tell about it. But not after suffering many months of recovery and pain.

    Create curiosity before you show any video. Before starting this video you could t...

  • 0033 S - Historias verdaderas - Caída...

    Steven cuenta la historia verdadera de una persona en una planta de pollos que estaba subiendo y bajando escaleras con bandejas de pollo en sus manos. Un día, esa persona cometió el simple error de no agarrarse a la baranda mientras realizaba este viaje, y de un momento a otro resbal...

  • 0010 E - T-Shirt - It's Not My Job

    This entire video also appears as part of “0007 E - Housekeeping - Obstructions in the Plant”. In this video, Steve mentions how it is important for everyone’s safety to clear things out of the way, so it’s not a hazard for other people. He wants to make sure that everyone takes re...