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0016 S - Camiseta - Yo te aseguro que yo no fui

Every Video • 57s

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  • 0031 E - Handing Pallets

    In this video, Steve dives into an essential topic: working safely with pallets. Watch as we break down the crucial steps to ensure you're handling pallets the right way: correctly loaded, weight evenly distributed, and properly wrapped. Steve also shows how to safely cut strapping a...

  • 0046 E - Proper Lifting Techniques wi...

    This video shows how to properly lift items like glass, drywall, plywood, or other such large items with a partner. Watch for the disaster at the end and see if you can figure out why it happens! This is included in the "Attitude, Mindset & Values" Specific Collection because of wh...

  • 0042 S - Limpieza - Sierra de corte -...

    Este video muestra de manera cómica cómo el desorden y la frustración van juntos. Steve nos presenta un video donde compara dos sitios de construcción: uno desorganizado e inseguro, y otro bien mantenido y seguro. Este contraste resalta lo importante que es la organización para mante...