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Watch this video and more on OSHAFLIX

0027 S - Historia verdadera - Gafas de seguridad salvó su vida - EPP

Every Video • 2m 38s

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  • 0042 E - Housekeeping - Chop Saw - In...

    This video shows comically shows how clutter and frustration go hand in hand. Steve shows us a video comparing two construction sites: one disorganized and unsafe, and another well-kept and secure. This clear contrast highlights the crucial role housekeeping plays in maintaining a sa...

  • 0099 E - Safety Glasses - How do You ...

    This video takes the key points from "0027 E - True Story - Safety Glasses Saved His Life - PPE" and goes even further into why side shields and impact-rated eyewear are non-negotiable when it comes to protecting your eyes. Unlike prescription glasses or non-impact-rated sunglasses, ...

  • 0035 S - Historia verdadera - Sierra ...

    Nuestro amigo aquí habla de cómo a veces, cuando trabajamos, olvidamos que nuestros acciones afectan a otras personas. Muchas veces no pensamos en las repercusiones de tomar atajos y en cómo eso puede afectar nuestra vida y la de quienes nos rodean. A esto le sigue una historia real ...