0046 E - Proper Lifting Techniques with Glass - Suction Cups
Every Video
4m 2s
This video shows how to properly lift items like glass, drywall, plywood, or other such large items with a partner. Watch for the disaster at the end and see if you can figure out why it happens! This is included in the "Attitude, Mindset & Values" Specific Collection because of what happens at the end of this video and consider how the three workers interact. One guy; not involved in lifting this 200-pound, 4x8 piece of glass; interrupts the lead supervisor who is training the new man. The supervisor seems annoyed at the very presence of this guy. That interaction distracts the supervisor and he doesn't realize that the new man switched his hands. This switching of hands caused the unstable lift and the ensuing loss of materials, time and money. The lead supervisor gets frustrated with the guy who interrupted him to ask a question. How does your crew react towards each other? Do they carry their frustrations into the next hour, the next task, the next day, or the next week? How can you improve in working as a team?
Have fun! Tell your crew to look for why the disaster happens at the end of this video to create curiosity before you show it. This will help them pay more attention. Then after the video, be sure to debrief it with some open-ended questions to promote discussion and challenge them to apply the lessons learned to their personal and professional lives! Take the concepts presented in the video and make your talk as specific as you can to your job, industry, tasks, equipment, and work environment.
Up Next in Every Video
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