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Watch this video and more on OSHAFLIX

0099 S - Gafas de seguridad - Están diseñadas para el impacto - EPP

Every Video • 2m 41s

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  • 0012 E - T-Shirt - We’ve Always Done ...

    In this eye-opening video, Steve takes a bold stance against the mindset of "we’ve always done it that way," showcasing a T-shirt that perfectly captures the danger of this thinking. Just because something has been done a certain way for years doesn’t mean it’s the safest or smartest...

  • 0202 E - Ladder Safety - Extension - ...


    In this video, Steve shares a shocking story that underscores the importance of ladder safety and making smart decisions on the job. While rushing to finish a painting project, Steve grabbed a ladder with a known defect instead of taking three extra minutes to get a safer one. To ...

  • 0039 S - Historia verdadera - Electro...

    Nuestro amigo aquí nos cuenta cómo las consecuencias de no adoptar medidas de seguridad adecuadas no solo ocurren dentro del lugar de trabajo, sino que suceden en la vida cotidiana. Habla del amigo de su hijo y del árbol de navidad gigante de metal que la ciudad montaba todos los año...