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0033 S - Historias verdaderas - Caída fatal en escaleras - Pasamanos

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0116 E - True Story - Ladder Fall in Tank - Covered in Epoxy - James Wampler

Every Video • 7m 5s

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  • 0033 S - Historias verdaderas - Caída...

    Steven cuenta la historia verdadera de una persona en una planta de pollos que estaba subiendo y bajando escaleras con bandejas de pollo en sus manos. Un día, esa persona cometió el simple error de no agarrarse a la baranda mientras realizaba este viaje, y de un momento a otro resbal...

  • 0010 E - T-Shirt - It's Not My Job

    This entire video also appears as part of “0007 E - Housekeeping - Obstructions in the Plant”. In this video, Steve mentions how it is important for everyone’s safety to clear things out of the way, so it’s not a hazard for other people. He wants to make sure that everyone takes re...

  • 0008 E - Pallet Jacks - Operation

    In this video, Steve emphasizes the importance of safety and focus in the workplace. Using a basketball analogy at the four-minute mark, he shows how awareness and precision -just like on the court- can help prevent accidents and improve efficiency. Steve reminds us that only trained...