0201 E - Holiday Hazards
Every Video
4m 51s
This video covers common holiday hazards and how to avoid them, with practical advice to keep things safe and stress-free.
1. Electricity and Christmas lights
2. Ice
3. Cold weather
4. Travel
5. Planning ahead
6. Ladders to cleaning leaves from gutters
7. Cooking
8. Sleepy Driving
9. Deer in roadways
Here are some takeaways: Slow down and use the right equipment before climbing ladders to hang lights or clean gutters. Your life is worth more than a few saved minutes or dollars. Cooking up a holiday feast? Stay in the kitchen and set timers. Unattended cooking is the #1 cause of home kitchen fires. If you get sleepy while driving; pushing through isn’t brave, it’s reckless. This video challenges us to prepare in advance and take action so we enjoy the holidays without injuries. What else can you find? What else would you add to this?
Before showing this, prime your crew with a question similar to, “What injuries have you or your loved ones suffered during the holidays?” Or “What’s the craziest thing you've done or seen with ladders, lights, cooking, or driving for the holidays?” Let them share their own stories for a minute — it’ll get them in the right mindset. Then, set up the video: “As you watch, keep an eye out for some of the things you’ve probably done or seen before. We’ll talk about it afterward.”
After the video, consider these open-ended questions to promote discussion:
1. What stood out the most to you in the video?
2. Have you ever caught yourself cutting corners with safety like that? What happened?
3. What’s one thing you’ll change in how you handle holiday safety this year?
4. What did this video leave out?
5. What would you add to this?
Seek to connect the video to their own lives. The goal is to help people identify where they can improve, and to persuade them to take action moving forward.
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