0202 E - Ladder Safety - Extension - True Story
Every Video
7m 10s
In this video, Steve shares a shocking story that underscores the importance of ladder safety and making smart decisions on the job. While rushing to finish a painting project, Steve grabbed a ladder with a known defect instead of taking three extra minutes to get a safer one. To compensate for the faulty footing, he set the ladder at an improper angle. Predictably it slipped, sending Steve and his ladder crashing to the ground. Thankfully, he landed clean and avoided serious injury. But here's the takeaway: that split-second decision to prioritize speed over safety could have cost Steve much more. The lesson? No piece of equipment is inherently dangerous; it’s how we use it that matters. Ignoring defects or failing to replace faulty tools is a recipe for disaster.
This video drives home a critical message: Don't fall into the trap of thinking you're invincible. Whether you're new or experienced, your well-being is never worth sacrificing for a few minutes of convenience. Share this video with your team to learn why practicing safe habits and investing in the right tools will always pay off in the long run.
Start by asking your crew a simple but engaging question: “What’s the craziest, riskiest thing you’ve ever done on a ladder?” What usually happens is people laugh and start sharing their escapades. Keep it light, but then pivot: “Now think about what could’ve gone wrong. Was it really worth it?” Once the video ends, bring the conversation back around:
“What did you learn from Steve’s story?”
“How would you handle that situation differently now?”
“What changes can we make as a crew to ensure this doesn't happen to us?”
The idea is to use their own experiences to make Steve’s lesson hit home. Keep it conversational, honest, and impactful.
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