Every Video
This Big Category contains every single video on the OSHAFLIX streaming service!
The numbering system in OSHAFLIX is: Number Letter - Title
For example: 0027 E - True Story - Safety Glasses Saved His Life - PPE
The "0027" is a unique number you can always use to search, find, and share this video.
The "E" means "English". All OSHAFLIX videos are in English and Spanish. Thus, you know that video 0027 S contains the same content as 0027 E, except it is in Spanish. This way your English-speaking and Spanish-speaking crews can both view the same content in a language they can easily understand. This Big Category also contains Specific Collections of videos grouped by topic.
Identify the Hazards
6 items
This Specific Collection showcases videos with little-to-no dialogue or instruction. The point is to have your team identify the hazards, ways to improve, and -surely- even what was done right. You find the hazards! This type of video is one of the best ways to promote participation in a safet...
Industrial Transfer
2 items
This Specific Collection contains videos filmed at Industrial Transfer and Storage in Southbridge, MA and Dudley, MA. Many thanks to the great folks at Industrial Transfer. We appreciate you! What an honor it was to film and make these videos alongside your exceptional team of professionals.
Mobile Equipment
This Big Category presents Specific Collections of videos on forklifts, heavy equipment, aerials and scissor lifts, and motorized and non-motorized pallet jacks.
New Releases in March!
This Big Category presents the Videos created by OSHAFLIX released new this month.
This Big Category shows Specific Collections of videos about protective clothing, vests, harnesses, hearing protection, safety glasses, face shields, gloves, hard hats, and more.
Safety Culture
This Big Category presents Specific Collections of videos on attitude, mindset, how to reduce injuries, how to get buy-in for your safety program, teamwork, all steve's t-shirts, and much more.
Slips, Trips & Falls
This Big Category showcases Specific Collections of videos on guardrails, harnesses (personal fall arrest systems), step and extension ladders, fixed ladders, mobile stairs, residential work and more.
Tools and Machinery
This Big Category contains Specific Collections of videos about hand tools, power tools, lockout/tagout, stationary equipment, machine guarding, and more.
True Stories
This Big Category showcases Specific Collections of video with people recounting their stories of witnessing fatalities, suffering injuries, being transformed in their thinking and actions due to experiencing near misses of grave proportions, and more.
This Big Category features the Specific Collection of videos where Steve challenges people's mindset toward safety with his famous T-shirts.
Lame Sayings We Often Believe
10 items
This Specific Collection has videos of Steve explaining his famous T-shirts. Many T-shirts contain lame sayings that we believe or have come to accept. Oftentimes we declare what is on the T-shirt right before we get hurt! Steve challenges us to think about improving our mindset toward safety.
Weekly Zoom Training
This Big Category contains all the free, weekly toolbox talks that Steven St. Laurent conducts live via Zoom to aid companies with their toolbox safety talks. These Toolbox Tuesday videos start at the 200-series. In other words, they go from 0201 onward. Show your favorite one at your next too...
0046 S - Técnicas apropiadas de levantar el vidrio - Ventosas
Este video muestra cómo levantar correctamente materiales grandes, como vidrio, paneles de yeso, contrachapado o materiales similares, trabajando en pareja. Presta atención al desastre al final y trata de descubrir qué salió mal. Este video está incluido en la colección "Actitud, Men... -
0203 E - Confined Spaces - The Basics
Confined spaces come with risks you might not even think about. This video breaks down what the definition of confined space, the difference between Permit and Non-permit spaces, and the 7 requirements of the standard.Do you know what 3 parameters define a confined space? Steve p...
0031 S - Manipulación de paletas
En este video, Steve se adentra en un tema clave: cómo trabajar de forma segura con los pallets. Verás cómo desglosamos los pasos esenciales para asegurarte de que los estás manejando correctamente: que estén bien cargados, con el peso equilibrado y envueltos de forma adecuada. Steve... -
0012 S - Camiseta - Siempre lo hemos hecho así
En este video revelador, Steve toma una postura audaz contra la mentalidad de "siempre lo hemos hecho así", mostrando una camiseta que captura perfectamente el peligro de este tipo de pensamiento. El hecho de que algo se haya hecho de una determinada manera durante años no significa ...