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0203 E - Confined Spaces - The Basics

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0062 E - True Story - Thumb Severed off by Hitch of Forklift - Ernie Moreira

New Releases in March! • 2m 49s

Up Next in New Releases in March!

  • 0203 E - Confined Spaces - The Basics

    Confined spaces come with risks you might not even think about. This video breaks down what the definition of confined space, the difference between Permit and Non-permit spaces, and the 7 requirements of the standard.

    Do you know what 3 parameters define a confined space? Steve p...

  • 0202 E - Ladder Safety - Extension - ...


    In this video, Steve shares a shocking story that underscores the importance of ladder safety and making smart decisions on the job. While rushing to finish a painting project, Steve grabbed a ladder with a known defect instead of taking three extra minutes to get a safer one. To ...

  • 0201 E - Holiday Hazards


    This video covers common holiday hazards and how to avoid them, with practical advice to keep things safe and stress-free.

    1. Electricity and Christmas lights
    2. Ice
    3. Cold weather
    4. Travel
    5. Planning ahead
    6. Ladders to cleaning leaves from gutters
    7. Cooking
    8. Sleepy Driving