0004 E - Mobile Stairs - 3 Incidents
Stairways and Mobile Stairs
2m 31s
Stairs are an everyday thing that people encounter at work, at home and out and about. Common unsafe practices like not holding the railing, skipping steps, rushing, and not paying attention are highlighted in this video. Don’t let yourself develop these risky habits. In the middle of this video, Steve gives details of three incidents where the previously mentioned bad habits caused injuries and property damage. At the end of this video, there is a brief section that addresses the T-shirt with the lame saying that Steve is wearing, “It wasn’t me.” Video 0016 is a stand-alone video showcasing Steve’s full comments on that T-shirt. In that video 0016 just like at the end of this one, Steve challenges people to be responsible, be accountable for their actions, and report issues or property damage if they know about it or caused it. Safety is everyone’s responsibility. If I work next to you, I affect the future of your family. And likewise you -working next to me- affect the future of my children. So let’s own up to what we do on the job: Good or bad.
Before showing the video, tell your crew to look for which of the three true stories that happened at this company apply to them at our job. After showing the video, debrief it with some challenging open-ended questions (ones that require more than a one-word response) such as:
What close calls (or near misses) with slips and trips on stairways have your experienced where holding onto the railing saved you from a potentially huge injury?
Who do you know that died from a fall? Where were they when they fell? At work? Home? Vacation? Out and about in town shopping, etc.? I personally know a handful of elderly relatives (in their 80s and 90s) whose life was ended early because of a slip and fall down the stairway in their home, and the other who slipped and fell on a flat surface. We must create simple and safe habits like holding on to the railing and watching where we are walking. If we train ourselves to always do this (creating muscle memory so we do it automatically), then we likely will prevent these types of life-altering injuries at home, at work and out in town. Safety is something we must value 24/7, baby!
Up Next in Stairways and Mobile Stairs
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